Tuesday, December 21, 2010

描述 Description

別名 Common Name:
雙翼豆、閉筴木、黃燄木及翅果木 Copperpod, Golden Flamboyant, Yellow Flamboyant, Yellow Poinciana, Radhachur

学名 Scientific Name:
Peltophorum Pterocarpum

科別 Family Name:
豆科 Fabaceae

属別 Genus Name:
盾柱木属 Peltophorum

原产地 Origin:

植物照料 Plant Care:

其他注释 Others Note

盾柱木 (學名:Peltophorum pterocarpum,英文名稱:Yellow poinciana、Yellow flame、Rusty shield bearer),別稱雙翼豆(中国主要植物图说)、閉筴木、黃燄木及翅果木等[2][3],是豆科盾柱木属的植物,種加詞 pterocarpum 意為「翅果的」。原產於中國海南島、越南、馬來西亞、澳洲及美洲等,現分布于斯里兰卡、印度尼西亚、马来半岛、越南、大洋洲以及中国大陆的广州等地,性喜高溫天氣,能耐風、耐旱,但不耐陰,目前已由人工引種栽培,栽種於砂質壤土或以深層壤土為佳[3]。樹皮能作提煉黃色染料之用。


盾柱木和松鼠,攝於印度加爾各答。盾柱木是一種落葉喬木,高約4-25米;樹冠傘形,枝節茂密,可闊達12米。枝幹灰褐色,嫩枝披銹色毛,老枝密佈黃色細小皮孔,皮孔排列成平行的線狀紋路。葉為二回偶數羽狀複葉,互生,橢圓形,長約30-42厘米;葉柄披銹色毛,粗壯,長約4厘米;羽片8~14對,對生或近對生,羽軸基部膨大,長約8-12厘米;小葉長圓狀倒卵形,7-30 對,無柄,對生,革質,先端圓鈍,中央微凹,基部歪斜兩側不對稱,排列緊密,邊全緣,表面深綠色,背面淺綠色披銹色毛,長約12-17毫米,寬約5-7毫米。花為圓錐花序,頂生或腋生,密披銹色短柔毛,芳香,兩性;苞片早落, 長約5-8毫米;花梗長約5毫米;花蕾圓形,直徑約5-8毫米,與花梗相距5-7毫米;花萼裂片卵形,4-5枚,外披銹色茸毛,花開時裂片向後反轉,長約5-8毫米,寬約4-7毫米;花瓣倒卵形,5枚,深黃色,呈摺皺波浪狀,基部密披銹色長柔毛,具長柄,長約15-17毫米,寬約8-10毫米;雄蕊10枚,離生,花絲基部披硬毛,長約12毫米,花藥基部箭形,長約3毫米;雌蕊柱頭綠色,盾狀,3裂;子房無柄或具柄,披毛,3裂,花柱絲狀,光滑,較子房長;胚珠3-4顆。果為木質莢果,紡錘形,扁平,邊緣具翅,兩端尖,中央具條紋,綠色,成熟時轉深褐色,不自裂,翅寬約4-5毫米;種子赤褐色,扁平,具翅,2-4顆,長約1厘米。

鐡刀木(Senna siamea/Cassia siamea),豆科蘇木亞科決明屬植物外形相似,分別在於鐡刀木的小葉具柄;果為紙質莢果,成熟後自裂;樹冠枝葉疏散,樹皮較盾柱木粗糙。

鳳凰木(Delonix regia),豆科鳳凰木屬的植物樹形及葉片相似,分別在於盾柱木的全株嫩枝披銹色毛,而鳳凰木則枝條光滑;盾柱木沒有羽葉般的托葉著生於葉柄基部;盾柱木的小葉片較鳳凰木寬大及數量較少;盾柱木的花色為黃色,鳳凰木的花色則為紅色;盾柱木的果實為朝上的小豆莢,形如豌豆,而鳳凰木的果實則為懸垂於枝條上的長果莢。

The Yellow Flame grows up to 20m tall. It is a popular tree for roadside planting. It is drought-resistant, which makes it well adapted to Singapore’s sunny urban conditions.

This tree has a wide-spreading, umbrella-shaped crown, which provides excellent shade.

When the tree flowers, its fragrant, brilliant yellow blossoms cover the entire crown. These flowers are about 3cm in size, and have wavy, crinkled petals that resemble tissue paper.

After the flowering season, the flowers develop into woody purple-brown fruit pods that develop on the tree. These pods remain in the crown for several months before dropping off.

Peltophorum pterocarpum (Copperpod, Golden Flamboyant, Yellow Flamboyant, Yellow Flame Tree, Yellow Poinciana, Radhachura in Bangla) is a species of Peltophorum, native to tropical southeastern Asia and a popularly ornamental tree grown around the world.

It is a deciduous tree growing to 15–25 m (rarely up to 50 m) tall, with a trunk diameter of up to 1 m. The leaves are bipinnate, 30-60 cm long, with 16-20 pinnae, each pinna with 20-40 oval leaflets 8-25 mm long and 4-10 mm broad. The flowers are yellow, 2.5-4 cm diameter, produced in large compound racemes up to 20 cm long.

The fruit is a pod 5-10 cm long and 2.5 cm broad, red at first, ripening black, and containing one to four seeds. Trees begin to flower after about four years.

Peltophorum pterocarpum is native to tropical southeastern Asia and northern Australasia, in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines(doubtfully native), and the islands off the coast of Northern Territory, Australia.[

The tree is widely grown in tropical regions as an ornamental tree, particularly in India, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Florida and Hawaii in the United States. The trees have been planted alternately in India as a common scheme for avenue trees in India alternately with Delonix regia (Gulmohur) to give a striking yellow and red effect in summer, as has been done on on Hughes road in Mumbai.
The wood has a wide variety of uses, including cabinet-making[5] and the foliage is used as a fodder crop.

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